[SAP ABAP] Step by step procedure to enhance the BP using BDT ( 기능 넣는 EXIT 은 아래 박스에 있음 )

초록활명수 2023. 2. 14. 11:49
This document is not referring any coding; this will only show the configuration to enhance the Business Partner using BDT(Business Data Toolset).


Prerequisite: Need to have basic knowledge of BDT, Business Partner, and Module Pool Programming.

Steps to add tab with the standard tabs for a particular Business Partner role

Step 1. Create the function group for your application where you can create the Sub screen for your application.

Go to transaction SE80


You can see the below screen shot for the Screen 9001


Call FM BUS_PBO in PBO of that screen and call FM BUS_PAI in the PAI module of that screen (HERE 9001).

Now go to T-code BUPT and start with the required configuration

Step 2:

Create New Application for your screen

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Application/ t-code (BUS1)

Click on the new entries

Create New Dataset for the application:

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->DATASET / t-code(BUS23)

Click on the new entries

Step 4:

Create field groups as required:

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Field Group / t-code (BUS2)

Assign the fields to the field group

Select the field group and click on the field group->fields

Step 5:

Create view:

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->View/ t-code (BUS3)

Click on new entries

Assign your Application and the dataset, as here ZT_E and the differentiation type as 0

As given in the below screen shot and in the screen configuration section select DATA Screen.

Assign the field groups to the views:

Step 6:

Create section

Go to BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Section/ t-code (BUS4)

Click on new entries and create the section 

Assign View to the section:

Step 7:

Create Screen:

Go to BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Screen (BUS5)

Click on new entries and give name and description to the screen

Assign the section to the screen.

Here you can see that standard header data section also has been added as we are going to use the header data section of the standard screen.


Step 8:

Create the screen sequence:

Go to BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen Sequence (BUS6)

Click on new entries and create the Screen Sequence

Select the screen sequence and click on Screen Sequence->Screen to assign the Screen.

Create a screen sequence category:

Click on New entries and create a screen sequence category:

Selecting the Screen Sequence category, assign the screen sequence to it.


Step 9

Add your screen with the standard screen sequence so that it would appear with the standard TABS.

Select the BUP001 Screen Sequence and add your screen with the required Item number.

Item Number will depict where the tab will come.




BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Event -> 비즈니스 데이터 룰셋 (BUS7)

BP 를 저장하기 전에 점검이 필요한 경우 EXIT은 아래 EVENT : DCHCK를 사용한다.

아래 Z로 모듈을 넣고 해당 함수를 수정하고 TEST를 진행하면 됨. 





Step 10

Create Divisibility:

Create BP Views:

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Divisibility->BP Views (BUSD)

Click on the new entries, create the BP view

Add dataset to the selected VIEW. 

Central Data set is mandatory, it will give you standard tabs(BUP010), now which ever specific tabs you want to add , add the respective dataset .

Here, six Datasets has been added one is for central data, and other is for new tab (ZT_E).

Add the calling application:

If you are using different applications, you need to add here the applications.

Here BUP (Central Data) and ZT_E (New tab) applications has been added as


Step 11

Create role for which you want to add the tab.

Go to SPRO->Cross Application Component->Sap Business Partner->Basic Settings->

Business Partner Role->Define BP role

First Step is to create BP role category

Select the BP role category option and click on the new entries and give the name for BP category

Select the BP role and click the new entries

Assign the required fields as shown below and in the interface control section you need to assign the BP view you have created for the new application, and this will corresponds to your screen i.e. the tabs. 

Now go to t-code BP .

Click on the PERSON option

Select the role you have created and click on create button

Now you can see the tab you have created is appearing accordingly.

For comparison, select the other role contact person, you can see the BP role tab is not there.

How to add section to a tab for a particular role:

Follow the steps from 1 to 8 as it is.

Here section ‘BP role’ has been added in the standard tab identification .This section will appear in the tab ,for the role ‘Test BP role’.

So for this we need to change the step 9.

We need to know which screen is representing the required tab.

So BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen layout ->Screen/ t-code (BUS5)

We can find out all the standard and custom screen names, select the required screen name, here BUP060 and then click the Screen->section

And add the custom section you want to add in the screen.

Here ZT_E2 has been added with the correct item number.

Step 10 .

Now change the divisibility.

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Divisibility->BP View/ (BUSD)

Select your view or create your view as mentioned above with the changes mentioned below .Here, we are selecting, already created view ZT_E

Select that view and click on the BP View -> Date Set

Mention the required data set,

*********Now click on the BP->Calling Application***********

And mention the required application, there is a option ‘call only’ which Indicates the type of relationship between the BP role and the application.

, we need to tick the application which we need to appear in the tab.

Here application ZT_E has been ticked as it needs to be appeared in the tab.


Now go the BP transaction and do as before, create a bp (Person) and select the role as TEST BP ROLE

In the below screen shot you can see the new section the tab identification and now the BP role tab is also not appearing.

For comparison check the role CONTACT PERSON.

You can see from the below screen shot that the new tab is not appearing in the identification tab for the role CONTACT PERSON.


How to add new tabs without standard tabs in the BP t-code.

Follow the steps 1 to 8 as above and

Step 9

Add your screen with the standard screen sequence so that it would appear with the standard TABS as well as the stand alone .

Select the BUP001 Screen Sequence and add your screen with the required Item number.

Item Number will depict where the tab will come. 


Create the divisibility

BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Divisibility->BP View/ (BUSD)

Create the divisibility as mentioned above

Here we can take the already created divisibility ZT_E.

Select ZT_E and click on the BP view->data sets

Here only ZT_E data set has been taken into consideration as we need to show only this tab for the ‘TEST BP ROLE ‘.

Click on the BP view-> Calling Application

Assign the required application.

Here BUP and ZT_E application has been taken into consideration .

******Click on BP view->views *****

This is the important step to show the new tabs.

Assign the required views which you want to appear for a particular role.

In this example 6 views has been assigned.

Now go the BP transaction and do as before, create a bp (Person) and select the role as TEST BP ROLE

In the below screen shot you can see the only new tab is appearing. No other standard tab is appearing.
