Central Data set is mandatory, it will give you standard tabs(BUP010), now which ever specific tabs you want to add , add the respective dataset .
Here, six Datasets has been added one is for central data, and other is for new tab (ZT_E).
Add the calling application:
If you are using different applications, you need to add here the applications.
Here BUP (Central Data) and ZT_E (New tab) applications has been added as
Step 11
Create role for which you want to add the tab.
Go to SPRO->Cross Application Component->Sap Business Partner->Basic Settings->
Business Partner Role->Define BP role
First Step is to create BP role category
Select the BP role category option and click on the new entries and give the name for BPcategory
Select the BP role and click the new entries
Assign the required fields as shown below and in the interface control section you need to assign the BP view you have created for the new application, and this will corresponds to your screen i.e. the tabs.
Now go to t-code BP .
Click on the PERSON option
Select the role you have created and click on create button
Now you can see the tab you have created is appearing accordingly.
For comparison, select the other role contact person, you can see the BP role tab is not there.
How to add section to a tab for a particular role:
Follow the steps from 1 to 8 as it is.
Here section ‘BP role’ has been added in the standard tab identification .This section will appear in the tab ,for the role ‘Test BP role’.
So for this we need to change the step 9.
We need to know which screen is representing the required tab.
So BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Screen layout ->Screen/ t-code (BUS5)
We can find out all the standard and custom screen names, select the required screen name, here BUP060 and then click the Screen->section
And add the custom section you want to add in the screen.
Here ZT_E2 has been added with the correct item number.